Browsing by Subject Data analysis

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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Advanced quality auditing : an auditor's review of risk management, lean improvement, and data analysisColeman, Lance B.
2008Advances in mass data analysis of signals and images in medicine biotechnology and chemistryPerner, Petra; Salvetti, Ovidio
2009A Beginner’s Guide to RZuur, Alain F.; Leno, Elena N.; Meesters, Erik H. W. G.
2016Big Data on Real-World Applications. Chapter 5: PESSCARA: An Example Infrastructure for Big Data ResearchKorfiatis, Panagiotis; Erickson, Bradley; Korfiatis, Panagiotis; Erickson, Bradley
2015Big Data: Opportunities and challenges.Farrant, Natasha
2014Business Analytics: Data Analysis and Decision Making Albright, S. Christian; Winston, Wayne L.
2014Data Analysis: Statistical and Computational Methods for Scientists and Engineers (4ed.)Brandt, Siegmund
2015Databases for Small Business: Essentials of Database Management, Data Analysis, and Staff Training for Entrepreneurs and Professionals Manning, Anna
2015An efficient interpolation technique for jump proposals in reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo calculationsFarr, W. M.; Mandel, I.; Stevens, D.
2014Excel 2013 Data Analysis and Business ModelingWinston, Wayne L
2014Exploratory Data Analysis in Business and Economics: An Introduction Using SPSS, Stata, and ExcelCleff, Thomas
2012Introduction to statistics and data analysisPeck, Roxy; Olsen, Chris; Devore, Jay L
2017Introductory StatisticsWeiss, Neil A.
2005A Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics: Understanding Why and HowDekking, Frederik Michel
2015Multilevel Business Processes: Modeling and Data AnalysisSchuetz, Christoph G.
2015Scientific Data AnalysisCurrell, Graham
2014Statistics for Engineers and ScientistsNavidi, William