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Title: A Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics: Understanding Why and How
Authors: Dekking, Frederik Michel
Keywords: Data analysis
Mathematical statistics
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: Springer
Abstract: Probability and Statistics are studied by most science students, usually as a second- or third-year course. Many current texts in the area are just cookbooks and, as a result, students do not know why they perform the methods they are taught, or why the methods work. The strength of this book is that it readdresses these shortcomings. by using examples, often from real-life and using real data, the authors can show how the fundamentals of probabilistic and statistical theories arise intuitively. It provides a tried and tested, self-contained course, that can also be used for self-study. This will be a key text for undergraduates in Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Business Studies who are studying a mathematical statistics course, and also for more intensive engineering statistics courses for undergraduates in all engineering subjects.
ISBN: 978-1-85233-896-1
Appears in Collections:Sociology

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