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dc.contributor.authorHouseman, J.en_US
dc.description.abstractDigital Zoology has been a variety of different things over the years. It started as a series of digital photos that I used in class to help bring the specimens that students saw in lab to the lecture hall. It grew with the addition of more specimens and interactive cladograms. Soon after that it found a home on the computer networks at the University. When students wanted to take it home, it ultimately became the CDROM that evolved into the Digital Zoology Free Preview Version, which published in December, 2000. By January 2001 over 15,000 students across North America were using the program. Now, I have the pleasure of welcoming you to Digital Zoology Version 1.0. Version 1 includes some major changes and you are holding the most obvious-the Student Workbook. The Workbook provides a quick look at different animals traditionally studied in zoology labs and serves as a useful study tool for review of lab dissection exercisesen_US
dc.format.extent181 tr.en_US
dc.publisherN. Y.en_US
dc.subjectDigital Zoology; Digital photosen_US
dc.titleDigital Zoology Version 1.0 Cd-Rom And Student Worbooken_US
dc.department500 - Khoa học tự nhiênen_US

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