Beginning Android ADK with Arduino
To communicate with the hardware boards, an Android-enabled device needs to fulfill certain criteria. With Android Honeycomb version 3.1 and backported version 2.3.4, the necessary software APIs were introduced. However, the devices also have to ship with a suitable USB driver. This driver enables general USB functionality but, in particular, it enables the so-called accessory mode. The accessory mode allows an Android device that has no USB host capabilities to communicate with external hardware, which in turn acts as the USB host part. The specification of the Open Accessory Standard stipulates that the USB host has to provide power for the USB bus and can enumerate connected devices. The external device has to provide 500mA at 5V for charging purposes of the Android deviceaccording to the USB 2.0 specification. The ADK also provides firmware for the development board which comes in the form of a set of source code files, libraries, and a demokit sketch, which is the Arduino term for a project or source code file. The firmware cares about the enumeration of the USB bus and finding a connected device that is accessory mode–compatible. Google also provides an example app for the Android device that easily accesses and demonstrates the capabilities of the reference board and its sensors and actuators. If you are working with a derivative board that doesn’t have the same variety of sensors, you still can work with the example app, but you might want to strip the code down to only the basic part of the communication
- Technology [3030]