Browsing by Subject Molecular biology

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Aquatic biofilms: ecology, water quality and wastewater treatmentBalaguer, M. Dolors; Guasch, Helena; Romaní, Anna M
2016Are migratory behaviours of bats socially transmitted?E. F. Baerwald; R. M. R. Barclay
2016Aremigratory behaviours of bats socially transmitted?E. F. Baerwald; R. M. R. Barclay
2015Depth specialization in mesophotic corals and associated algal symbionts in Hawai‘iPochon, X.; Forsman, Z.H.; Spalding, H.L.
2016DNA barcoding to identify leaf preference of leafcutting beesMacIvor, J. Scott
2015Dramatic niche shifts and morphological change in two insular bird speciesAlström, Per
2014Effects of habitat structure and land use intensity on the genetic structure of the grasshopper species Chorthippus parallelusWiesner, Kerstin R.
2014Evolution: are themonkeys’ typewriters rigged?R. Garvin, Michael; J. Gharrett, Anthony
2015Implementing and testing Bayesian and maximum-likelihood supertree methods in phylogeneticsAkanni, Wasiu A.; Wilkinson, Mark; Creevey, Christopher J
2015Molecular identification of OesophagostomumsppOta, Narumi; Hasegawa, Hideo; McLennan, Matthew R.
2016Simultaneous DNA-based diet analysis of breeding, non-breeding and chick Adélie penguinsEmmerson, Louise; Southwell, Colin; McInnes, Julie C.
2016Thermodynamics and kinetics of the FoF1-ATPaseChapman, Brian; Loiselle, Denis
2016To boldly climb: behavioural and cognitive differences in migrating European glass eelsPodgorniak, T.
2015Unnoticed in the tropicsFernández, Rosa; Giribet, Gonzalo
2016Variation in thermal stress response in two populations of the brown seaweed, Fucus distichus from the Arctic and subarctic intertidalSmolina, Irina; Kollias, Spyros; Jueterbock, Alexande