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Showing results 1 to 20 of 251  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
201150th IMO - 50 years of International Mathematical OlympiadsGronau, Hans-Dietrich; Langmann, Hanns-Heinrich; Schleicher, Dierk; Gronau, Hans-Dietrich; Langmann, Hanns-Heinrich; Schleicher, Dierk
2014Abstract Algebra: Theory and ApplicationsJudson, Thomas
2015Active CalculusBoelkins, Matt; Austin, David; Schlicker, Steve
2014Adult Literacy Fundamentals Mathematics: Book 1Gerard, Liz; Tagami, Wendy
2014Adult Literacy Fundamentals Mathematics: Book 2Gerard, Liz; Tagami, Wendy
2015Adult Literacy Fundamentals Mathematics: Book 3Gerard, Liz; Tagami, Wendy
2014Adult Literacy Fundamentals Mathematics: Book 4Gerard, Liz; Tagami, Wendy
2015Adult Literacy Fundamentals Mathematics: Book 5Gerard, Liz; Tagami, Wendy
2014Adult Literacy Fundamentals Mathematics: Book 6Gerard, Liz; Tagami, Wendy
2010Advanced Modern Engineering MathematicsJames, Glyn
2013Algebra & trigonometry : enhanced with graphing utilitiesSullivan, Michael
2015Algebra and TrigonometryAbramson, Jay; Rice University
2011Algebra. Sets, symbols, and the language of thoughtTabak, John
2011Algebra: Sets, Symbols, and the Language of Thought (The History of Mathematics), Revised EditionTabak, John
2018Analysis for Computer Scientists: Foundations, Methods, and Algorithms (2 ed.)Oberguggenberger, Michael; Ostermann, Alexander
2010Applied calculusBerresford, Geoffrey C; Rockett, Andrew Mansfield
2010Applied calculus for the managerial, life, and social sciencesTan, Soo T.
2013Applied Discrete StructuresDoerr, Alan; Levasseur, Kenneth
2018Applied Linear Algebra (2 ed.)Olver, Peter J.; Shakiban, Chehrzad
2015Approximate series solution of multi-dimensional, time fractional-order (heat-like) diffusion equations using FRDTMSingh, Brajesh K.; Srivastava, Vineet K.