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Title: Applied Discrete Structures
Authors: Doerr, Alan
Levasseur, Kenneth
Keywords: Mathematics
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: University of Massachusetts Lowell
Abstract: Chapter 1: Set Theory. Chapter 2: Combinatorics. Chapter 3: Logic. Chapter 4: More on Sets. Chapter 5: Introduction to Matrix Algebra. Chapter 6: Relations and Graphs. Chapter 7: Functions. Chapter 8: Recursion and Recurrence Relations. Chapter 9: Graph Theory. Chapter 10: Trees. Chapter 11: AlgebraIc Systems. Chapter 12: More Matrix Algegra. Chapter 13: Boolean Algebra. Chapter 14: Monoids and Automata. Chapter 15: Groups Theory and Applications. Chapter 16: An Introduction to Rings and Fields.
ISBN: 978-1-1055592-9-7
Appears in Collections:Education

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