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dc.contributor.authorNanni, Antonioen_US
dc.contributor.authorLuca, Antonio Deen_US
dc.contributor.authorZadeh, Hany Jawaherien_US
dc.description.abstractCorrosion-resistant, electromagnetic transparent and lightweight fiber-reinforced polymers (FRPs) are accepted as valid alternatives to steel in concrete reinforcement. Reinforced Concrete with FRP Bars: Mechanics and Design, a technical guide based on the authors’ more than 30 years of collective experience, provides principles, algorithms, and practical examples. Well-illustrated with case studies on flexural and column-type members, the book covers internal, non-prestressed FRP reinforcement. It assumes some familiarity with reinforced concrete, and excludes prestressing and near-surface mounted reinforcement applications. The text discusses FRP materials properties, and addresses testing and quality control, durability, and serviceability. It provides a historical overview, and emphasizes the ACI technical literature along with other research worldwide. Includes an explanation of the key physical mechanical properties of FRP bars and their production methods Provides algorithms that govern design and detailing, including a new formulation for the use of FRP bars in columns Offers a justification for the development of strength reduction factors based on reliability considerations Uses a two –story building solved in Mathcad that can become a template for real projects. This book is mainly intended for practitioners and focuses on the fundamentals of performance and design of concrete members with FRP reinforcement and reinforcement detailing. Graduate students and researchers can use it as a valuable resource.en_US
dc.format.extent406 p.en_US
dc.publisherCRC Pressen_US
dc.subjectReinforced concreteen_US
dc.subjectFRP barsen_US
dc.titleReinforced Concrete with FRP Bars: Mechanics and Designen_US
dc.size43.0 MBen_US
dc.departmentEnglish resourcesen_US

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