Now showing items 1252-1271 of 3750

    • Face It: What Women Really Feel as Their Looks Change and What to Do about It 

      Diller, Vivian; Sukenick, Jill Muir (Hay House, 2011)
      Intellectually, we understand aging. So why does the first wrinkle or gray hair send us into an emotional tailspin? As smart women who were raised to believe that success and happiness are based on intelligence and ...
    • The Facebook Guide to Small Business Marketing 

      Ramon, Ray (Wiley Publishing, 2013)
      The guide for marketing a small business on Facebook The number one social networking site offers the opportunity to reach more than 350 million registered users with your advertising message. Owners of small and local ...
    • The Facebook Marketing Book 

      Zarrella, Dan; Zarrella, Alison (O'Reilly Media, 2011)
      As a marketer on Facebook, you’re there to do business and make money, not just make friends. It is vital that you track the performance of your efforts and how they relate to your company’s bottom line. Facebook allows  ...
    • Facial Flaps Surgery 

      Goldman, Glenn; Dzubow, Leonard; Yelverton, Christopher (McGraw-Hill Education, 2012)
      Facial Flap Surgery delivers ready-to-use insights making surgical protocols more accessible than ever. Combining a text and atlas, this two-in-one resource also features an all-inclusive, yet streamlined presentation that ...
    • The factory-free economy : outsourcing, servitization, and the future of industry 

      Fontagné, Lionel; Harrison, Ann E (Oxford University Press, 2017)
      An economic analysis of de-industrialization that considers the ongoing transformation of the industrial economies and the consequences for economic policy.
    • The Facts on File Guide to Research, 2nd Edition (Facts on File Library of Language and Literature) 

      Lenburg, Jeff (Facts On File, 2010)
      The Facts On File Guide to Research, Second Edition is a general introductory volume that explains the art and methods of research and researching any topic, for any given purpose. Featuring valuable tips for beginners and ...
    • Failure : why science is so successful 

      Firestein, Stuart (Oxford University Press, 2015)
      The general public has a glorified view of the pursuit of scientific research. However, the idealized perception of science as a rule-based, methodical system for accumulating facts could not be further from the truth. ...
    • The Failure of Environmental Education 

      Saylan, Charles; Blumstein, Daniel T. (University of California Press, 2011)
      At a time when wild places everywhere are vanishing before our eyes, Charles Saylan and Daniel T. Blumstein offer this passionate indictment of environmental education—along with a new vision for the future. Writing for ...
    • Fair and Equitable Treatment in International Investment Law 

      Kläger, Roland (Cambridge University Press, 2011)
      A breach of fair and equitable treatment is alleged in almost every investor-state dispute. It has therefore become a controversial norm, which touches many questions at the heart of general international law. Roland Kläger ...
    • The Faithful: A History of Catholics in America 

      O'Toole, James M. (Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2010)
      Shaken by the ongoing clergy sexual abuse scandal, and challenged from within by social and theological division, Catholics in America are at a crossroads. But is today’s situation unique? And where will Catholicism go ...
    • The Fall of the Euro: Reinventing the Eurozone and the Future of Global Investing 

      Nordvig, Jens (McGraw-Hill Education, 2013)
      As an investor, you need a roadmap. This book is that roadmap. The Fall of the Euro describes the Eurozone’s unstable equilibrium and explains why a breakup of the Eurozone is still a possibility. Nomura's global head ...
    • False Flags: Template for Terror 

      Piper, Michael Collins (Free Press, 2013)
      Falseflag(or blackflag) describes covert military or paramilitary operations designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities, groups ornations than those ...
    • Families and Personal Networks : An International Comparative Perspective 

      Wall, Karin (Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2018)
      This book critically assesses the main features of the modernization of family life and personal relationships by examining and comparing three European countries with different social and political pathways: Portugal, ...
    • Family and business during the Industrial Revolution 

      Barker, Hannah (Oxford University Press, 2017)
      Small businesses were at the heart of the economic growth and social transformation that characterized the industrial revolution in Britain. In towns across north-west England, shops and workshops dominated the streetscape, ...
    • Family background and university success : differences in higher education access and outcomes in England 

      Crawford, Claire (Oxford University Press, 2017)
      Why do fewer teenagers in England from disadvantaged backgrounds go to university than young people from better-off families? Once at university, how well do poorer students fare compared with other students - who drops ...
    • Family Businesses in Transition Economies: Management, Succession and Internationalization 

      Dana, Leo-Paul; Ramadani, Veland (Springer International Publishing, 2015)
      This book presents the reader a comprehensive understanding of the development of family business in transitional economies. Throughout eastern Europe, post-Communist countries transitioning to market-based economies are ...
    • Family engagement with schools : strategies for school social workers and educators 

      Chavkin, Nancy Feyl (Oxford University Press, 2017)
      Using forty years of evidence-based research as its core, Family Engagement with Schools: Strategies for School Social Workers and Educators is the only book written specifically for social workers and social work students ...
    • Family law 

      Herring, Jonathan (Pearson, 2017)
      The primary aim of this textbook is to explain family law, while at the same time informing students of the social reality in which the law operates and outlining the different theoretical perspectives from which to approach ...
    • Family law 

      Herring, Jonathan (Pearson Education , 2011)
      This textbook tries to present family law in its context. I hope readers will gain not only an understanding of what the law actually is, but also an awareness of the complex tensions in social, philosophical and political ...
    • Family Matters in Indian Buddhist Monasticisms 

      Clarke, Shayne (University of Hawaii Press, 2014)
      Scholarly and popular consensus has painted a picture of Indian Buddhist monasticism in which monks and nuns severed all ties with their families when they left home for the religious life. In this view, monks and nuns ...