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Title: Music and the Child
Authors: Sarrazin, Natalie
Keywords: Humanities
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Open SUNY Textbooks
Abstract: Chapter 1: Perspectives and Approaches. Chapter 2: Music: Fundamentals and Educational Roots in the U.S. Chapter 3: Assessment and Learning Goals. Chapter 4: Approaches to Music Education. Chapter 5: Children Singing and Children’s Songs. Chapter 6: Creative Activity and Lesson Planning. Chapter 7: Music and the Brain. Chapter 8: Music in Early Childhood Development. Chapter 9: Music and the Older Child. Chapter 10: Children’s Musical Play: Musicality and Creativity. Chapter 11: Music and Inclusion. Chapter 12: Music Integration. Chapter 13: Musical Multiculturalism and Diversity.
Appears in Collections:Education

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