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Showing results 1 to 20 of 24  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
201021st Century Anthropology: A Reference Handbook (21st Century Reference Series)Birx, H. James
2016Air pollution control technology handbookDunn, Russell; Schnelle, Karl B.; Ternes, Mary Ellen
2010The Art and Design Teacher's HandbookHodge, Susie
2010The Automated Lighting Programmer's Handbook, Second EditionSchiller, Brad
2011Cengage Advantage Books: The Pocket Wadsworth HandbookKirszner, Laurie G.; Mandell, Stephen R.
2013The Coal Handbook Towards Cleaner ProductionOsborne, Dave
2013The Coal Handbook: Towards Cleaner Production. Coal UtilisationOsborne, Dave
2012Electrical Safety HandbookCadick, John
2011Handbook of Carbon Nano Materials, Volume 1: Syntheses and Supramolecular SystemsD'Souza, Francis
2014Handbook of graph theoryGross, L. Jonathan; Yellen, Jay; Zhang, Ping
2013Handbook of nano-optics and nanophotonicsOhtsu, Motoichi
2014Handbook of Research on Strategic Business Infrastructure Development and Contemporary Issues in FinanceRay, Nilanjan
2010Handbook of Silicon Based MEMS Materials and Technologies (Micro and Nano Technologies)Lindroos, Veikko
2014Handbook of Strategic e-Business Management Zwass, Vladimir; Lopez, Francisco J. Martínez
2015Handbook of virtual environments: design, implementation, and applicationsHale, Kelly S.; Stanney, Kay M.
2016Handbook on 3D3C Platforms: Applications and Tools for Three Dimensional Systems for Community, Creation and CommerceSivan, Yesha
2014The infoSec handbook: An inroduction to information securityRao, Umesh Hodeghatta; Nayak, Umesha
2013Libre Office 4.0 The document foundation Base handbook managing your dataSchiffers, Jochen; Großkopf, Robert; Lange, Jost; Schiffers, Jochen; Großkopf, Robert; Lange, Jost
2013The nanobiotechnology handbookXie, Yubing
2015The NGO HandbookBinder-Aviles, Hilary