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Title: The infoSec handbook: An inroduction to information security
Authors: Rao, Umesh Hodeghatta
Nayak, Umesha
Keywords: Handbook
Information security
Infosec handbook
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Apress
Abstract: The InfoSec Handbook offers the reader an organized layout of information that is easily read and understood. Allowing beginners to enter the field and understand the key concepts and ideas, while still keeping the experienced readers updated on topics and concepts. It is intended mainly for beginners to the field of information security, written in a way that makes it easy for them to understand the detailed content of the book. The book offers a practical and simple view of the security practices while still offering somewhat technical and detailed information relating to security. It helps the reader build a strong foundation of information, allowing them to move forward from the book with a larger knowledge base.
ISBN: 1430263822
Appears in Collections:Technology

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