Now showing items 321-340 of 6813

    • The Possibility of an Absolute Architecture 

      Aureli, Pier Vittorio (MIT Press, 2011)
      This book proposes to reconsider architectural form in light of a unitary interpretation of architecture and the city. This unitary interpretation is put forward via the paradox of a unilateral synthesis: a unitary ...
    • Semblance and Event: Activist Philosophy and the Occurrent Arts 

      Massumi, Brian (MIT Press, 2011)
      Events are always passing, to experience an event is to experience the passing. But how do we perceive an experience that encompasses the just-was and the is-about-to-be as much as what is actually present? In Semblance ...
    • Optimal Control Theory with Applications in Economics 

      Weber, Thomas A. (MIT Press, 2011)
      This book bridges optimal control theory and economics, discussing ordinary differential equations, optimal control, game theory, and mechanism design in one volume. Technically rigorous and largely self-contained, it ...
    • How We Remember: Brain Mechanisms of Episodic Memory 

      Hasselmo, Michael E. (MIT Press, 2011)
      Episodic memory proves essential for daily function, allowing us to remember where we parked the car, what time we walked the dog, or what a friend said earlier. In How We Remember, Michael Hasselmo draws on recent ...
    • Industrial Policy for National Champions 

      Falck, Oliver; Gollier, Christian; Woessmann, Ludger (MIT Press, 2011)
      Governments around the world are deeply divided about the proper role of industrial policy, with some politicians arguing for hands-off governance and others supporting government intervention to promote "national champions"-- ...
    • Everyday Information: The Evolution of Information Seeking in America 

      Aspray, William; Hayes, Barbara M. (MIT Press, 2011)
      To paraphrase Moli?re, for more than a century we have been engaged in information-seeking behavior without knowing it. From the moment we tumble out of bed our day is a perpetual cycle of information acquisition and ...
    • Mind and Brain: A Critical Appraisal of Cognitive Neuroscience 

      Uttal, William R. (MIT Press, 2011)
      Cognitive neuroscience explores the relationship between our minds and our brains, most recently by drawing on brain imaging techniques to align neural mechanisms with psychological processes. In Mind and Brain, William ...
    • Laws, Mind, and Free Will 

      Horst, Steven (MIT Press, 2011)
      Steven Horst's Laws, Mind, and Free Will has both the clarity, scope, and scholarship needed for an excellent text and the original analysis appropriate to a significant contribution to the literature, especially on the ...
    • Redesigning Leadership 

      Maeda, John; Bermont, Becky (MIT Press, 2011)
      Lessons for a new generation of leaders on teamwork, meetings, conversations, free food, social media, apologizing, and other topics.
    • The Major Transitions in Evolution Revisited 

      Calcott, Brett; Sterelny, Kim (MIT Press, 2011)
      Drawing on recent advances in evolutionary biology, prominent scholars return to the question posed in a pathbreaking book: how evolution itself evolved.
    • 101 Things to Learn in Art School 

      White, Kit (MIT Press, 2011)
      What is the first thing to learn in art school? "Art can be anything." The second thing? "Learn to draw." With 101 Things to Learn in Art School, artist and teacher Kit White delivers and develops such lessons, striking ...
    • Infectious Behavior: Brain-Immune Connections in Autism, Schizophrenia, and Depression 

      Patterson, Paul H. (MIT Press, 2011)
      In Infectious Behavior, neurobiologist Paul Patterson examines the involvement of the immune system in autism, schizophrenia, and major depressive disorder. Although genetic approaches to these diseases have garnered the ...
    • Qualitative research methods for the social sciences 

      Berg, Bruce Lawrence; Lune, Howard (Pearson, 2017)
      Social research provides necessary support for innumer able professions, bolsters and directs policy decisions, fact-checks both wild and mundane claims about theworld, and helps us understand ourselves and others. But ...
    • Re-Emergence: Locating Conscious Properties in a Material World 

      Vision, Gerald (MIT Press, 2011)
      The presence of sentience in a basically material reality is among the mysteries of existence. Many philosophers of mind argue that conscious states and properties are nothing beyond the matter that brings them about. ...
    • Physiology of behavior 

      Birkett, Melissa A.; Carlson, Neil R. (Pearson, 2017)
      An up-to-date, comprehensive, and accessible overview of behavioral neuroscience Physiology of Behavior provides a scholarly yet accessible portrait of the dynamic interaction between biology and behavior. Lead author Neil ...
    • Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual, Global Edition 

      Cappuccino, James G.; Welsh, Chad T. (Pearson, 2017)
      Easy to adapt for almost any microbiology lab course, this versatile, comprehensive, and clearly written manual is competitively priced and can be paired with any undergraduate microbiology text. Known for its thorough ...
    • Personality, individual differences and intelligence 

      Day, Liz; Macaskill, Ann; Maltby, John (Pearson, 2017)
      A comprehensive and accessible fourth edition of a market leading text on personality, individual differences and intelligence that offers up-to-date research and a wealth of pedagogical features. The fourth edition of ...
    • Law of Contract 

      Richards, Paul (Pearson, 2017)
      Written by an author with over 35 years' legal teaching experience, Law of Contract is designed to give you the best possible foundation for your study of this complex subject. Bringing clarity and entertainment to an ...
    • Fundamentals of futures and options markets 

      Hull, John C. (Pearson, 2017)
      Directed primarily toward undergraduate finance students, this text also provides practical content to current and aspiring industry professionals. Based on Hull's Options, Futures and Other Derivatives, Fundamentals of ...
    • Foundation mathematics for biosciences 

      Bryson, Elzbieta; Willis, Jacqueline (Pearson, 2017)
      Foundation Mathematics for Biosciences provides an accessible and clear introduction to mathematical skills for students of the biosciences. The book chapters cover key topic areas and their associated techniques, thereby ...