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Title: Basic Technical Mathematics with Calculus (11th Edition)
Authors: Washington, Allyn J.
Evans, Richard
Keywords: Mathematics
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Pearson
Abstract: For courses in technical and pre-engineering technical programs or other programs for which coverage of basic mathematics is required. The best-seller in technical mathematics gets an “Oh, wow!” update The 11th Edition of Basic Technical Mathematics with Calculus is a bold revision of this classic bestseller. The text now sports an engaging full-color design, and new co-author Rich Evans has introduced a wealth of relevant applications and improvements, many based on user feedback. The text is supported by an all-new online graphing calculator manual, accessible at point-of-use via short URLs. The new edition continues to feature a vast number of applications from technical and pre-engineering fields—including computer design, electronics, solar energy, lasers fiber optics, and the environment—and aims to develop your understanding of mathematical methods without simply providing a collection of formulas. The authors start the text by establishing a solid background in algebra and trigonometry, recognizing the importance of these topics for success in solving applied problems.
ISBN: 9780134437736
Appears in Collections:Sociology

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