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Title: A study on the translation of noun phrases in business contract from English into Vietnamese. The case of Joint Venture Agreement
Authors: Trần, Thị Ngọc Liên
Nguyễn, Thị Lan Anh
Keywords: Ngoại ngữ
Business contract
Translation methods
Noun phrases
English into Vietnamese
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Đại học Quản lý và Công nghệ Hải Phòng
Abstract: The aim of this tudy is to identify methods to translate noun phrases in business contract from English into Vietnamese. To fulfill that aim, the objec-tives of this study paper will be as follows: finding different characteristics of noun phrases in English joint venture agreement, identifying the appropriate translation methods to be applied in the translation of noun phrases in joint venture agreement from English into Vietnamese.
Appears in Collections:Khóa luận tốt nghiệp NN

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