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Title: Foundations of Nursing Research
Authors: Nieswiadomy, Rose Marie
Bailey, Catherine
Keywords: Nursing research
Patient care
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Pearson
Abstract: Our main purpose in writing the seventh edition of this book is to promote an interest in nursing research. Like Dr. Rose Nieswiadomy, we firmly believe that research is essential to an evidence- based nursing practice and the growth of the nursing profession. The results of nursing research studies improve patient care and demonstrate that nurses are not only caring but also cost-effective providers of healthcare. Research can be interesting and exciting. We have tried to present the material in this textbook in an inspirational manner that memorializes the voice of our original author, Rose. Nursing students and practicing nurses have reported that they have actually read the past editions of this book, which is not the case for most of their textbooks or other books that they read. After reading this introductory research book, you will not be expected to have the skills to conduct research independently or to critique research reports with a great deal of confidence.
ISBN: 978-0134167213
Appears in Collections:Sociology

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