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DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributor.advisorVũ, Thị Thu Trangen_US
dc.contributor.authorNguyễn, Thị Thu Hươngen_US
dc.description.abstractIdioms are extremely difficult topics and merely well-understood by foreign English learners and even native speakers of English who take the idioms and proverbs for granted because when they use idioms, they do not know if they are using them. However,they really appreciate the idioms associated to attitudes and behaviors of speakers, so when they hear foreigners make grammatical or pronunciation mistakes, they are quite willing to accept and understand them, they might not understand what that person means and that leads to a misunderstanding and boring conversation. Therefore, this study aims at: Clarifying meanings of some English idioms expressions. Helping the learners use right idioms in right situations.en_US
dc.format.extent43 p.en_US
dc.publisherĐại học Dân lập Hải Phòngen_US
dc.subjectNgoại ngữen_US
dc.subjectEnglish idiomsen_US
dc.subjectParts of bodyen_US
dc.titleA study on English idioms related to parts of bodyen_US
dc.size875 KBen_US
dc.departmentKhoa Ngoại ngữen_US
dc.description.degreeKhóa luậnen_US
Appears in Collections:Khóa luận tốt nghiệp NN

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