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Title: AP Calculus AB, 2014-2015 Edition
Authors: Ma, William
Keywords: Calculus
Study guides
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
Abstract: Get ready for your AP exam with this straightforward and easy-to-follow study guide, updated for all the latest exam changes! 5 Steps to a 5: AP Calculus AB features an effective, 5-step plan to guide your preparation program and help you build the skills, knowledge, and test-taking confidence you need to succeed. This fully revised edition covers the latest course syllabus and provides model tests that reflect the latest version of the exam. Inside you will find: 5-Step Plan to a Perfect 5: 1. Set Up Your Study Program 2. Determine Your Test Readiness 3. Develop Strategies for Success 4. Develop the Knowledge You Need to Score High 5. Build Your Test-Taking Confidence 2 complete practice AP Calculus AB exams 3 separate plans to fit your study style Review material updated and geared to the most recent tests Savvy information on how tests are constructed, scored, and used
ISBN: 978-0-07-180241-3
Appears in Collections:Sociology

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