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dc.contributor.authorYamada, Tomoyukien_US
dc.contributor.editorInoue, Katsumien_US
dc.contributor.editorSatoh, Kenen_US
dc.contributor.editorToni, Francescaen_US
dc.description.abstractThis book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Computational Logic for Multi-Agent Systems, CLIMA VII, held in Hakodate, Japan, in May 2006. It was an associated event of AAMAS 2006, the main international conference on autonomous agents and multi-agent systems. The series of workshops presents current work on application of general and declarative theories grounded on computational logic to multi-agent systems specification, semantics and procedures, and confronts ideas such as autonomy, deliberation, knowledge, commitment, openness, trust, with the computational logic paradigms. The 14 revised full technical papers and four contest papers were carefully selected from 29 submissions and went through two rounds of reviewing and improvement. The topics of the regular papers include agent reasoning, such as deontic reasoning, probabilistic reasoning, contextual reasoning, decision making and abduction, agent communication, such as argumentation and dialogue, agent architecture and verification of multi-agent systems. The contest papers describe implemented agent architectures solving the gold mining domain.en_US
dc.format.extent323 p.en_US
dc.publisherSpringer-Verlag Berlin Heidelbergen_US
dc.subjectArtificial Intelligenceen_US
dc.subjectComputer Communication Networksen_US
dc.subjectMathematical Logic and Formal Languagesen_US
dc.titleComputational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems: 7th International Workshop, CLIMA VII, Hakodate, Japan, May 8-9, 2006, Revised Selected and Invited Papersen_US
dc.size3,778 KBen_US
Appears in Collections:Technology

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