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Title: Anticipatory Behavior in Adaptive Learning Systems: Foundations, Theories, and Systems
Authors: Butz, Martin V.
Sigaud, Olivier
Gérard, Pierre
Keywords: Artificial intelligence
Computer Communication Networks
Data Mining
Knowledge Discovery
Issue Date: 2003
Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Abstract: The interdisciplinary topic of anticipation, attracting attention from computer scientists, psychologists, philosophers, neuroscientists, and biologists is a rather new and often misunderstood matter of research. This book attempts to establish anticipation as a research topic and encourage further research and development work. First, the book presents philosophical thoughts and concepts to stimulate the reader's concern about the topic. Fundamental cognitive psychology experiments then confirm the existence of anticipatory behavior in animals and humans and outline a first framework of anticipatory learning and behavior. Next, several distinctions and frameworks of anticipatory processes are discussed, including first implementations of these concepts. Finally, several anticipatory systems and studies on anticipatory behavior are presented.
ISBN: 3540404295
Appears in Collections:Technology

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