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Title: Warfare and the Age of Printing: Catalogue of Early Printed Books from Before 1801 in Dutch Military Collections
Authors: Sloos, Louis
Keywords: 3D printing
Early Printed Books
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Boston
Abstract: An important part of the Dutch national treasure of early printed books from before 1801 on military and related subjects is kept in military libraries and collections. This catalogue contains 10,000 books in twelve different languages dated 1500-1800 from nine different Defence institutions/collections, representing both Army and Navy. By far the largest collections are the property of the Royal Netherlands Army Museum in Delft and the Royal Netherlands Military Academy in Breda. A great if not substantial part of these books is especially of international significance because of the contents, the intrinsic value or as historical objects. It took eight years to trace and describe these books, all of which have been given extensive analytical bibliographic descriptions. The book is a project of the Royal Netherlands Army Museum, Delft.
ISBN: 9004172416
Appears in Collections:Technology

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