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Title: Light Robotics: Structure-Mediated Nanobiophotonics. A volume in Nanophotonics
Authors: Glückstad, Jesper
Palima, Darwin
Keywords: Nanobiophotonics
Light robotics
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: Light Robotics – Structure-Mediated Nanobiophotonics covers the latest means of sculpting of both light and matter for achieving bioprobing and manipulation at the smallest scales. The synergy between photonics, nanotechnology and biotechnology spans the rapidly growing field of nanobiophotonics. Nanoscale resolutions enable optical scientists to assess ever more accurate information. However, scientific hypothesis testing demands tools, not only for observing nanoscopic phenomena, but also for reaching into and manipulating nanoscale constituents. Taking an application based focus, this book explores how nanophotonics can productively be used in both the biomedical and life sciences, allowing readers to clearly see how structure-mediated nanobiophotonics can be used to increase our engineering toolbox for biology at the smallest scales. This book will be of great use to researchers and scientists working in the fields of optics and photonics. It will also be of great value to those working in the field of biotechnology, showcasing how nanotechnology can help provide new, effective ways to solve biomedical problems.
ISBN: 9780081022481
Appears in Collections:Technology

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