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Title: Sustainability Innovations in the Electricity Sector
Authors: Jansen, Dorothea
Jansen, Dorothea
Ostertag, Katrin
Walz, Rainer
Keywords: Sustainability Innovations
The Electricity Sector
The energy sector
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Physica-Verlag 
Abstract: The future of modern societies depends on their ability to deal with the challenge of climate change in the coming decades. One essential component is a better understanding of innovation processes in the energy sector. This book focuses on sustainability innovations in renewable energies, combined heat and power, and energy service contracting, and analyses the institutions, actors and functions within the innovation system. Of particular interest is the question of whether the joint effect of EU-driven market liberalization and climate policies will succeed in establishing market forces that will drive actors towards more climate-friendly energy production. A special focus is on the role of local utilities in the electricity sector as opposed to large transmission net operators or regional net operators. The countries covered in the contributions include Germany, Denmark, the UK, Switzerland, and the Netherlands.
ISBN: 3790827290
Appears in Collections:Technology

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