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Title: Jump Start Responsive Web Design
Authors: Sharkie, Craig
Fisher, Andrew
Keywords: Web Design
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: SitePoint
Abstract: Your audience may never know about Responsive Web Design.What they will know is that your application either works on their device, or that it takes a lot of energy to make it work. Responsive Web Design is about ensuring the user enjoys the best experience possible when visiting your website. Primarily,that involves the minimum amount of resizing and scrolling while navigating your site, be it on a desktop machine, netbook, or smaller mobile device. The techniques of Responsive Web Design enable your users to simply enjoy an optimal experience, and save you the hassle from having to create a unique user experience for each user and every device. RWD helps you deal with the very real problem of not knowing where and how your application will be used. Now is the time to embrace RWD.
ISBN: 978-1-4571-7428-5
Appears in Collections:Technology

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