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Title: VBA for Modelers: Developing Decision Support Systems
Authors: Albright, S. Christian
Keywords: VBA
Programming language
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: South-Western College
Abstract: Chris Albright's VBA FOR MODELERS, 4TH EDITION is an essential tool for helping you learn to use Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) as a means to automate common spreadsheet tasks, as well as to create sophisticated management science applications. VBA is the programming language for Microsoft Office. VBA FOR MODELERS contains two parts. The first part teaches the essentials of VBA for Excel. The second part illustrates how a number of management science models can be automated with VBA. From a user's standpoint, these applications hide the details of the management science techniques and instead present a simple user interface for inputs and results.
ISBN: 1133190871
Appears in Collections:Technology

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