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Title: Attitudes Aren't Free Thinking Deeply About Diversity in the Us Armed Forces
Authors: Parco, James E.
Levy, David A.
Keywords: Us Armed Forces
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Humana Press
Abstract: Men and women in the uniforms of our armed services share many things in common, but none more important than their love of country and pride of being an American Soldier, Sailor, Airman, or Marine. Although we may wear different insignia, perform different jobs, and observe different customs, when it comes to the job of defending our nation, the diversity of our missions becomes a fundamental source of our great power. Make no mistake, diversity is a hallmark of the modern US armed forces, not just in terms of our mission elements, but also within the composition of every unit. However, the journey to get where we are today didn’t happen overnight, and reflecting back on our history, we overcame many challenges along the way. If we’ve learned anything about warfare from our earliest experiences back in 1776, end strengths, budget allocations, or technological innovation is never enough to fully maximize our military capabilities in war or peace. The cornerstone of any military success story starts with great ideas championed by principled leaders. Dialoguing with others who challenge our thinking and frames of reference is essential. By creating environments which are conducive to intellectual discourse, we can further our critical thinking skills and bolster our adaptive capacity to constantly see the world from different perspectives—to learn—to understand. As we move forward, we must constantly strive to think deeply, because ideas matter.
ISBN: 1585662046
Appears in Collections:Technology

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