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Title: Progress in Nanophotonics 1
Authors: Ohtsu, Motoichi
Keywords: Atomic
Optical and plasma physics
Laser technology
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Abstract: This book focuses on the recent progress in nanophotonics technology to be used to develop novel nano-optical devices, fabrication technology, and security systems. It begins with a review of the concept of dressed photons and applications to devices, fabrication, and systems, principles and applications. Further topics include: DNA process for quantum dot chain, photon enhanced emission microscopy, near field spectroscopy of metallic nanostructure, self-organized fabrication of composite semiconductor quantum dots, formation of metallic nanostructure, and nanophotonic information systems with security. These topics are reviewed by seven leading scientists. This overview is a variable resource for engineers and scientists working in the field of nanophotonics.
ISBN: 3642174809
Appears in Collections:Technology

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