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Title: Paris (Eyewitness Travel Guides)
Authors: Tillier, Alan
Keywords: Travel Guides
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Dorling Kindersley Publishing
Abstract: This Eyewitness Travel Guide helps you get the most from your stay in Paris with the minimum of practical difficulty. The opening section, Introducing Paris, locates the city geographically, sets modern Paris in its historical context and explains how Parisian life changes through the year. Paris at a Glanceis an overview of the city’s specialties. The main sightseeing section of the book is Paris Area by Area. It describes all the main sights with maps, photographs and detailed illustrations. In addition, eight planned walks take you to parts of Paris you might otherwise miss.Carefully researched tips for hotels, shops and markets, restaurants and bars, sports and entertainment are found in Travelers’ Needs, and the Survival Guidehas advice on everything from posting a letter to catching the metro.
ISBN: 0756660637
Appears in Collections:Sociology

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