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Title: American Modernism, 1914-1945 (Research Guide to American Literature)
Authors: Anderson, George Parker
Keywords: American Modernism
American Literature
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Facts On File
Abstract: Research Guide to American Literature is a series of handbooks for students and teachers that recommends strategies for studying literary topics and frequently taught literary works and authors. The rationale for the series is that successful study is predicated on asking the right questions and then devising a logical strategy for addressing them. The process of responsible literary investigation begins with facts and usually ends with opinions. The value of those opinions depends on the ability of the reader to gather useful information, to consider it in context, to interpret it logically, and finally to decide what the interpretation means outside the confines of the literary work. Often the answers to questions a sophisticated reader asks about a literary topic are subjective, involving a reader’s perception of an author’s or a character’s motive always the search for the answer to a meaningful question involves a process of self-education and, in the best of circumstances, self-awareness.
ISBN: 9780816078653
Appears in Collections:Sociology

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