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Title: The Danielic Eschatological Hour in the Johannine Literature
Authors: Mihalios, Stefanos
Keywords: Literature
Johannine Literature
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Continuum International Publishing Group
Abstract: The present study is a lightly revised version of my doctoral dissertation presented to Wheaton College in 2009. When the task of this research project first appeared before me, I felt both the inviting excitement of biblical research and the lingering anguish of completing the project. The realization of a work like this requires more than personal diligence and rigorous attention. It calls for the support of people who can equip, guide, encourage and teach, whether it be faculty, friends, or family. For this reason, I would like to express my gratitude to those who have contributed to the completion of this research project.
ISBN: 0567367207
Appears in Collections:Sociology

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