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Title: Globalization, Communication and the Workplace: Talking Across the World
Authors: Forey, Gail
Lockwood, Jane
Keywords: Workplace
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Continuum International Publishing Group
Abstract: For applied linguists, it is often reported that access to authentic data in the workplace is difficult and studies tend to focus around sites which are more ‘research friendly’. However, as demonstrated in this volume, the ITES industry is an intriguing environment where language, culture, globalization and the workplace converge where issues of assessment, social engineering, text analysis, multimodal analysis, accent, training, curriculum and many other areas relevant for applied linguists can be explored. The present volumes proceeds to provide an initial picture of some of the issues related to the BPO, but many areas remain in need of research.
ISBN: 0826446078
Appears in Collections:Sociology

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