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Title: Fundamentals of human physiology
Authors: Sherwood, Lauralee
Keywords: Medicine
Fundamentals of human physiology
Human physiology
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Abstract: Fundamentals of Human Physiology is a carefully condensed version of my Human Physiology: From Cells to Systems. This new fourth edition of Fundamentals of Human Physiology is of manageable length and depth while providing scientifi cally sound coverage of the fundamental concepts of physiology and incorporating pedagogical features that make it interesting and comprehensible. Because this book is intended as an introduction and, for most students, may be their only exposure to a formal physiology text, all aspects of physiology receive broad coverage. Materials were selected for inclusion on a “need-to-know” basis, so the book is not cluttered with unnecessary detail. Instead, content is restricted to relevant information needed to understand basic physiologic concepts.
ISBN: 9780840062253
Appears in Collections:Sociology

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