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Title: Introducing .NET 4.5, 2nd Edition
Authors: Mackey, Alex
Tulloch, William Stewart
Krishna, Maheshn
Keywords: NET 4.5
Framework operates
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Apress
Abstract: Microsoft has introduced a large number of changes to the way that the .NET Framework operates. Familiar technologies have being altered, best practices replaced, and developer methodologies adjusted. Many developers find it hard to keep up with the pace of change across .NET's ever-widening array of technologies. The introduction of Windows 8 and its new style of applications only compounds the problem. You may know what's happening in C#, but what about the latest innovations in the cloud? How is that going to affect your work? What possibilities do the new async capabilities bring?
ISBN: 978-1-4302-4332-8
Appears in Collections:Technology

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