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Title: Healthcare Information Privacy and Security: Regulatory Compliance and Data Security in the Age of Electronic Health Records
Authors: Robichau, Bernard Peter
Keywords: Data Encryption
Data Security
Electronic Health Records
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: Healthcare IT is the growth industry right now, and the need for guidance in regard to privacy and security is huge. Why? With new federal incentives and penalties tied to the HITECH Act, HIPAA, and the implementation of Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems, medical practices and healthcare systems are implementing new software at breakneck speed. Yet privacy and security considerations are often an afterthought, putting healthcare organizations at risk of fines and damage to their reputations. Healthcare Information Privacy and Security: Regulatory Compliance and Data Security in the Age of Electronic Health Records outlines the new regulatory regime, and it also provides IT professionals with the processes and protocols, standards, and governance tools they need to maintain a secure and legal environment for data and records. It&#146,s a concrete resource that will help you understand the issues affecting the law and regulatory compliance, privacy, and security in the enterprise. As healthcare IT security expert Bernard Peter Robichau II shows, the success of a privacy and security initiative lies not just in proper planning but also in identifying who will own the implementation and maintain technologies and processes. From executive sponsors to system analysts and administrators, a properly designed security program requires that that the right people are assigned to the right tasks and have the tools they need. Robichau explains how to design and implement that program with an eye toward long-term success. Putting processes and systems in place is, of course, only the start. Robichau also shows how to manage your security program and maintain operational support including ongoing maintenance and policy updates.
ISBN: 978-1-4302-6676-1
Appears in Collections:Technology

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