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Title: A Goal-Oriented Approach to Forest Landscape Restoration
Authors: Pullar, David
Lamb, David
Stanturf, John
Madsen, Palle
Lamb, David
Keywords: Forest Landscape Restoration
Restoration ecology
Natural ecological state
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Springer
Abstract: While restoration ecology has traditionally aimed to re-create some putative more ‘natural’ ecological state, forest landscape restoration (FLR) has emerged over the last decade as an approach aimed more at restoring natural functions, while focusing on meeting human needs. With a view to exploring the practical potential of this approach, this book draws together a team of experts from the natural and social sciences to discuss its success so far in addressing critical issues such as biodiversity, ecological function, and human livelihoods. Applying principles of landscape ecology, restoration ecology, planning theory and conflict management, the book presents a series of case studies which document the approach, and discusses how the approach can help with priority setting for the future. The book will provide a valuable reference to graduate students and researchers interested in ecological restoration, forest ecology and management, as well as to professionals in environmental restoration, natural resource management, conservation, and environmental policy.
ISBN: 978-94-007-5337-2
Appears in Collections:Sociology

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