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Title: Commercializing Innovation: Turning Technology Breakthroughs into Products
Authors: Schaufeld, Jerry
Keywords: Business
Management Science
Technology Policy
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: We live in a time of unprecedented attention to the forces of innovation and entrepreneurship. throughout the world, the combination of these two focused efforts affords us the opportunity to both compete and profit on a global basis. to enable this, the technology that allows us to benefit and the channels of information that can communicate these ideas to those who can utilize them, are both changing at warp speed. Within this dramatic environment, the processes for improving the probability of commercial success of these ideas lags behind. this book offers a model for increasing the odds as well as the narrative that supports it. much of the work presented is derived from a graduate course iteach in the Worcester Polytechnic institute (WPi) School of Business entitled “technology Commercialization.” rapid change affords opportunities we could only have imagined a few years ago. the drama of the change in “technology commercialization” is awesome. New models of nimble and adaptive thinking anchored in solid business fundamentals are required to realize its benefits.
ISBN: 978-1-4302-6352-4
Appears in Collections:Technology

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