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Title: Chief Marketing Officers at Work
Authors: Steimle, Josh
Keywords: Marketing
Careers in Business
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: This book shows you how to use a holistic, end-to-end view of platform planning, platform development, supply chains and operations to collapse platform development times to a fraction of the original time. You’ll see that strategies for selling to the cloud market are essentially incomplete and that in order to be successful, businesses must become cloud service businesses themselves, incorporating cloud technologies in their engineering, IT, sales and marketing, and delivery processes. What You'll Learn: Historical perspective to provide insight into the dynamics driving cloud evolution today. State of the art in IT requirements and cloud solutions. The value of User Experience (UX) driven design principles. The crucial roles of Service Brokers and Service Assurance Managers. The landscape of emerging cloud services and what they mean to your enterprise. Service Portals and Enterprise Service Buses
ISBN: 978-1-4842-1930-0
Appears in Collections:Technology

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