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Title: A Concise Introduction to Mechanics of Rigid Bodies: Multidisciplinary Engineering
Authors: Huang, L.
Keywords: Mechanics of Rigid Bodies
Multidisciplinary Engineering
Statics and Dynamics
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Springer
Abstract: Statics and Dynamics of Rigid Bodies presents an interdisciplinary approach to mechanical engineering through a close evaluation of the statics and dynamics of rigid bodies, presenting a concise introduction to both. This volume bridges the gap of interdisciplinary published texts linking fields like mechatronics and robotics with multi-body dynamics in order to provide readers with a clear path to understanding numerous sub-fields of mechanical engineering. Three-dimensional kinematics, rigid bodies in planar spaces and numerous vector and matrix operations are presented in order to provide a comprehensive understanding of mechanics through dynamics and rigid bodies.
ISBN: 1461404711
Appears in Collections:Technology

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