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Title: 7th International Munich Chassis Symposium 2016: plus
Authors: Pfeffer, Peter E.
Keywords: Safety
Vehicle dynamics
Ride comfort
Chassis Symposium
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Springer
Abstract: In chassis development, the three aspects of safety, vehicle dynamics and ride comfort are at the top of the list of challenges to be faced. Addressing this triad of challenges becomes even more complex when the chassis is required to interact with assistance systems and other systems for fully automated driving. What is more, new demands are created by the introduction of modern electric and electronic architectures. All these requirements must be met by the chassis, together with its subsystems, the steering, brakes, tires and wheels. At the same time, all physical relationships and interactions have to be taken into account.
ISBN: 978-3-658-14219-3
Appears in Collections:Technology

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