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Title: A model of muscle atrophy based on livemicroscopy of muscle remodelling in Drosophila metamorphosis
Authors: Kuleesha, Yadav
Puah,Wee Choo
Wasser, Martin
Keywords: Cellular and molecular biology
Developmental biology
Muscle atrophy
Muscle remodelling
Live imaging
Nuclear migration
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: Genes controlling muscle size and survival play important roles in muscle wasting diseases. In Drosophila melanogaster metamorphosis, larval abdominal muscles undergo two developmental fates. While a doomed population is eliminated by cell death, another persistent group is remodelled and survives into adulthood. To identify and characterize genes involved in the development of remodelled muscles, we devised a workflow consisting ofin vivo imaging, targeted gene perturbation and quantitative image analysis.
Appears in Collections:Education

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