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Title: Electrical Engineering and Applied Computing
Authors: Mohamed, Omar
Wang, Jihong
Guo, Shen
Ao, Sio-Iong
Gelman, Len
Keywords: Control engineering
Network management
Wireless networks
Signal processing
Electrical engineering
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Springer Netherlands
Series/Report no.: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 90
Abstract: This book includes fifty-five chapters, revised and extended from research articles originally presented at the World Congress on Engineering 2010. Topics covered include Control Engineering, Network Management, Wireless Networks, Biotechnology, Signal Processing, Computational Intelligence, Computational Statistics, Internet Computing, High Performance Computing, and industrial applications. The book offers the state of the art of tremendous advances in electrical engineering and applied computing and also serves as an excellent reference work for researchers and graduate students working on electrical engineering and applied computing.
ISBN: 9789400711914
Appears in Collections:Technology

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