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Title: Control of Switching Systems by Invariance Analysis: Applcation to Power Electronics
Authors: Fribourg, Laurent
Soulat, Romain
Keywords: Switching systems
Invariance analysis
Power electronics
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Wiley-ISTE
Series/Report no.: FOCUS Series
Abstract: This book presents correct-by-design control techniques for switching systems, using different methods of stability analysis. Switching systems are increasingly used in the electronics and mechanical industries, in power electronics and the automotive industry, for example. This is due to their flexibility and simplicity in accurately controlling industrial mechanisms. By adopting appropriate control rules, we can steer a switching system to a region centered at a desired equilibrium point, while avoiding “unsafe” regions of parameter saturation. The authors explain various correct-by-design methods for control synthesis, using different methods of stability and invariance analysis. They also provide several applications of these methods to industrial examples of power electronics.
ISBN: 9781848216068
Appears in Collections:Technology

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