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Title: Phương pháp mới tính dao động và ổn định của thanh
Authors: Đoàn, Văn Duẩn
Keywords: Xây dựng
Dao động
Bài toán ổn định
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Đại học Dân lập Hải Phòng
Abstract: Free vibration problem and the problem of bar buckling stability is the eigenvalue problem, our balance equation is the homogeneous equations (without the right hand side). Common and unique method for solving the current problem is the equation to find its features based on experience and boundary conditions to find the overall experience of the problem. In this paper the authors introduce a new method of forced displacement method for solving the above eigenvalues. Description and methods of forced displacement method can be introduced through the oscillations solve the problem of freedom and stability of bar buckling is presented below.
Appears in Collections:Bài báo khoa học

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