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Title: Phương pháp mới tính toán dây mềm
Authors: Đoàn, Văn Duẩn
Keywords: Xây dựng
Dây mềm
Kết cấu dây mềm
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Đại học Dân lập Hải Phòng
Abstract: The cable structure commonly used in actual construction, such as roof structures sling in civil and industrial large span, especially the structural sag wire suspension bridge, cable-stayed suspension bridge that is the complex structure between cables with beams or truss. Single cable computational problems underlying the construction of diagrams of structural properties for the single cable and associated structures mentioned above. Currently, the theory calculates single cable usually assumed deflection of the cable is a curve known, usually parabolic quadratic. Also include the approximate method of V. K. Katsuryn to the cable is presented in the curriculum and the cable structural materials in Vietnam.
Appears in Collections:Bài báo khoa học

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