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Title: Modern earth buildings: Materials, engineering, constructions and applications
Authors: Hall, Matthew
Lindsay, Rick
Krayenhoff, Meror
Keywords: Materials
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Woodhead Publishing
Series/Report no.: Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy
Abstract: With the improved energy efficiency, high level of structural integrity and aesthetically-pleasing finishes achieved in modern earth construction, it is now one of the leading choices for sustainable, low-energy building. Modern earth buildings provides an essential exploration of the materials and techniques key to the design, development and construction of such buildings. Part one provides an introduction to design and construction issues including insulation, occupant comfort and building codes. Part two goes on to investigate materials for earth buildings, before building technologies are explored in part three, including construction techniques for earth buildings. Modern earth structural engineering is the focus of part four. Finally, part five of Modern earth buildings explores the application of modern earth construction through international case studies.
ISBN: 9780857090263
Appears in Collections:Technology

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