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Title: Nutritional Deficiency. Chapter 9: Vitamin D Deficiency
Authors: Aljohani, Naji J.
Keywords: Medicine
Public Health
Vitamin D
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: INTECH Open Access Publisher
Abstract: Previously, known actions of vitamin D were confined to skeletal health, but accumulating evidence has consistently suggested that vitamin D has pleomorphic roles in overall human physiology. Hence, no other micronutrient deficiency in the modern times has gained as much global attention as vitamin D deficiency. In this chapter, the author reinforces what is already known in vitamin D and highlights several important findings in vitamin D research, with a special focus on one of the most vitamin D-deficient regions in the world, the Middle East, and Saudi Arabia, in particular.
ISBN: 978-953-51-2438-2
Appears in Collections:Education

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