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Title: Drinking Water Treatment: Focusing on Appropriate Technology and Sustainability
Authors: Ray, Chittaranjan
Jain, Ravi
Keywords: Drinking water treatment
Appropriate technology
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Springer Netherlands
Series/Report no.: Strategies for Sustainability
Abstract: Four appropriate technologies are discussed here: solar pasteurization, membrane desalination, natural filtration (riverbank filtration), and solar distillation. Solar pasteurization can be a useful means of producing water at remote, but sunny locations where fuel may not be easily available for boiling water. Membrane desalination will remain as a viable means of drinking water production for individual households to large communities. Various membrane filtration techniques as well as the means to “democratize” membrane filtration have been presented. Riverbank filtration is a “natural” filtration technique where drinking water is produced by placing wells on the banks of rivers. The riverbed/bank material and the underlying aquifer act as natural filters to remove pollutants from river water. Solar distillation can be a viable method of drinking water production for individual households to small communities without the input of external energy. Sustainability framework and technology transfer are discussed through transdisciplinary analysis.
ISBN: 9400711034
Appears in Collections:Technology

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