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Title: Sustainable solid waste management: a systems engineering approach
Authors: Chang, Ni-Bin
Pires, Ana
Keywords: Solid waste management
Systems engineering techniques
Integrated solid waste management
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Wiley-IEEE Press
Series/Report no.: IEEE Press series on systems science and engineering
Abstract: Systems engineering techniques such as optimization tools, simulation model, integrated modeling systems, management information systems, decision support tools, material flow analysis, and life cycle assessment have been developed, yet have not been applied to the waste management industry as practical tools. This book introduces how to apply systems engineering techniques not only by theory, but also through practical case studies. The target applications include urban, industrial, hazardous and non-hazardous waste, waste streams such as waste packaging, end-of-life vehicles, waste batteries, waste of electric and electronic equipment, waste lubricant oils, end of life tires and all waste streams demanding sustainable management via appropriate systems analysis to meet both managerial and technical goals.
ISBN: 978-1-118-45691-0
Appears in Collections:Technology

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