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Title: Radioactive Waste Management and Contaminated Site Clean-U p. Processes, Technologies and International Experience
Authors: Lee, W.E.
Ojovan, M.I.
Jantzen, C.
Keywords: Radioactive waste management
Contaminated site clean-up
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Woodhead Publishing
Series/Report no.: Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy
Abstract: Radioactive waste management and contaminated site clean-up reviews radioactive waste management processes, technologies, and international experiences. Part one explores the fundamentals of radioactive waste including sources, characterisation, and processing strategies. International safety standards, risk assessment of radioactive wastes and remediation of contaminated sites and irradiated nuclear fuel management are also reviewed. Part two highlights the current international situation across Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America. The experience in Japan, with a specific chapter on Fukushima, is also covered. Finally, part three explores the clean-up of sites contaminated by weapons programmes including the USA and former USSR.
ISBN: 978-0-85709-435-3
Appears in Collections:Technology

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