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Title: Taking a closer look
Authors: Holzwarth, Frédéric
Rüger, Nadja
Wirth, Christian
Keywords: Biology
Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
Functional composition
Hierarchical trait influence
Forest succession
Trait-based modelling
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (BEF) research has progressed from the detection of relationships to elucidating their drivers and underlying mechanisms. In this context, replacing taxonomic predictors by trait-based measures of functional composition (FC)—bridging functions of species and of ecosystems—is a widely used approach. The inherent challenge of trait-based approaches is the multi-faceted, dynamic and hierarchical nature of trait influence: (i) traits may act via different facets of their distribution in a community, (ii) their influence may change over time and (iii) traits may influence processes at different levels of the natural hierarchy of organization
Appears in Collections:Education

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